Divorce mediation is an alternative to litigation where divorcing spouses / partners hire a neutral third party called a "divorce mediator" who helps them reach a mutually satisfactory agreement involving division of assets and debt, and a comprehensive parenting plan, when needed.
Working together, you and your spouse / partner restructure your family, focusing on your needs and the best interests of your children.
The alternative is having a judge, who does not know you or your family, tell you what to do.
The mediation process helps couples alleviate anger and hostility often associated with separation and divorce by helping them focus on positive and effective communication.
The communication skills practiced during mediation may help reduce the trauma to your children, who tend to suffer less emotionally if their parents communicate effectively.
Mediation is a finite process that results in a mutually acceptable agreement which allows couples to move on with their lives.
Litigation can drag on for years and can bankrupt a family. Mediation is much more affordable, and mediated divorces are typically resolved within 1 year.
The divorce mediation process is a structured series of steps that begins with helping you determine whether mediation is right for you, and continues through the preparation of legal documents.
Free Consultation
Jonas Family Law offers a free consultation to discuss the mediation process, the divorce process in NY State, whether divorce mediation is right for you.
Mediation Sessions
We conduct private divorce mediation sessions in a comfortable, non-confrontational environment.
Reach Agreement
Through collaboration, communication and cooperation, the mediator helps both parties reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. Documents are prepared to record the "Separation Agreement", which is later incorporated into the judgement of divorce.
Consult your Attorney
A divorce mediator is neutral third party that does not "take sides". We can describe the general parameters of matrimonial law but cannot give you legal advice. Each party is urged to consult their own attorney and have the documents reviewed before signing the Separation Agreement.
Sign the Agreement
Both parties sign the Separation Agreement to indicate acceptance. Once signed and notarized, the document become a legally binding contract.
Receive Final Documents
Jonas Family Law prepares all necessary legal documents to effect an uncontested divorce in New York State.
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